Shining a light on the silent heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic this women’s month
“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all, be humble” – Serena Williams
Look behind the curtain. Grab a backstage pass to the inner workings of successful businesses. You’ll find their secret stash of superheroes running the show.
These silent heroes are elusive. Although they use their superpowers to innovate, solve problems and simply put – get sh*^ done (in life and work), the spotlight never finds them behind the scenes.

Shine a Spotlight
So let’s shine that spotlight their way today. Let’s point it at those women working tirelessly in various operational support jobs to grow businesses. Shine the light on the COO with three teenage kids. Applaud the Office Manager who worked her way up over a decade of hard grind. Shout out to the Project Manager caring for a sick mother. Cheers to the Operations Director supporting her parents and her young family. Praise the Production Manager who does so much more than manage production. Take notice of the Traffic Manager working through ‘maternity leave’.
Celebrating women leadership is absolutely necessary however, it’s just as important to applaud those working heroes that seldom earn a spot in the limelight. A company might extol her efforts internally, but it doesn’t make for sexy headlines.
We all know these heroes without capes. Many of us work with them on a daily basis. These everyday Clark Kents Kara Danvers (supergirl’s alter ego) trudging on with what needs to be done with gallons of elbow grease and bottomless enthusiasm.
If you know a silent hero who is currently working full- or part-time at a company in a managerial position, nominate her. Tag her in a comment on the ‘Women in Charge’ posts on Flexyforce’s Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn pages and include a link to your nominee’s LinkedIn profile.
She will be profiled in a podcast series called ‘Women in Charge’ where she, and other women from around the world, can openly share some of the challenges they are experiencing. They will also learn about the tools that are available to support them in the remote working world.

Women in charge shine bright in times of crisis
Furthermore, the value delivered by this group of superheroes is even more pronounced in times of crisis. When the world falls apart (as it recently has), and people start letting go of staff, businesses turn to these secret weapons to help keep afloat and steer them through uncharted waters. Emma in accounts, or Carla in operations quickly became the most important people in the business. With their fingers on the pulse of the entire operation, they have played a key role in helping their companies cope with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The perpetual juggling act
In addition, many of these women are not just running your businesses, but are also running a home. They are juggling 100 balls in the air at any given time, and trying their damndest not to drop one. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic, not only are they attempting to work from home, they are trying to educate their children, and ensure their hair is brushed and their shirt is thrown on over their sweatpants in preparation for their next Zoom call. In Deb Perelman’s recent New York Times article, “In the COVID-19 Economy, You Can Have a Kid or a Job. You Can’t Have Both,” she details the impossibility of parenting small children during the COVID-19 epidemic.
So, if you thought this remarkable group of women were superheroes before, COVID-19 has augmented their powers even further. Forcing them to work harder and smarter than ever before.
Technology as a backbone for achieving balance
Because of the need for efficiency and time management, leaps in innovation are being made in Software as a Service to address the genuinely mobile, multi-tasking working women. Any technology that stands in to make life just that little bit easier is being welcomed with open arms.
From project management tools such as Basecamp to our very own Flexyforce, development is being driven by the deepening need to run shop and home efficiently, easily and automatically so that women can focus headspace towards the things that matter most.
Reminder: Nominate your ‘woman in charge’
In celebration of Women’s Day this year, Flexyforce wants to acknowledge these superheroes and bring them out of the shadows to applaud the value they bring not just to the workplace, but to the world around them.
If you know a silent hero who is currently working full- or part-time at a company in a managerial position, nominate her. Tag her in a comment on the ‘Women in Charge’ posts on Flexyforce’s Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn pages and include a link to your nominee’s LinkedIn profile. You can also email your nomination to
We will profile her in a podcast series called ‘Women in Charge’. She, and other women from around the world, can openly share some of the challenges they are experiencing. They will also learn about the tools that are available to support them in the remote working world.
Let’s single out those who would otherwise go unnoticed and give them the recognition they deserve!