I have had a few facelifts in my time, but I am still here to tell the tale.
Once upon a time, I worked as a job market place. I was very popular but the market became rather saturated and too many platforms were fixing the same problem.
So my developers pivoted and changed my entire framework to solve an even deeper problem. The manual and tedious work that goes into managing agile suppliers such as freelancers, contractors, consultants and outsourced service providers AFTER you hire them. And the rest, as humans say, is history. 🙂
About The People Who Built Me
My flexyforce team believes that flexible business practices = the future of work. And that this is only possible with simple technology addressing complex pain points associated with working more flexibly. Therefore, the team is not only 100% remote, but fully flexible to work whenever, and however they want.
They don’t employ 9 – 5ers. In fact, they don’t have employees at all. They use yours truly (ME!) to build relationships with a network of forward-thinking outsourced suppliers, advisors, freelancers, consultants and investors dedicated to a new, flexible and automated future of work.
They trust each other, manage their legal agreements digitally [ by me! ] and work 100% transparently safely in my cloud. This is the #flexyworking culture. An agile, hard-working team of productive A players, building a product for businesses embracing flexibility and freelancing and modern cloud-based technology. Teams excited about a more automated future of work.
Fast. Flexible. Friendly.