Flexyworking, the perfect alternative to keep talent during crisis
It is turbulent times as the impact of Covid-19 hits economies worldwide, and no matter if you are a small business owner or large corporate – you probably being forced to look internally to ensure cash flow and business continuity and may be considering your staff salary costs and wondering
“What do we do with our employees at this time?“
Some discussions you may of had include riding the wave for as long as you can, unpaid leave for April, and hopefully a re-evaluation after the lock down. Or perhaps percentage salary cuts. Everyone is trying to avoid layoffs, but for some businesses this is unfortunately not possible and people are losing their jobs.
My dear friend Arlene Mulder who I have the privilege of quarantining and #flexyworking with here in St Francis recorded this video with Paul Harris [ Ex CEO of Rand Merchant Bank ] over the weekend, and one thing that stood out is
“ Cut deep, and cut quickly “ – but what if there is an alternative?
What if there is an alternative we have not yet explored?
Going from Payroll, to Flexyforce.
With all the fear in the air, we can only shift our minds to:
innovate, rather than react
And one way to do this, is to take the leap from fixed payroll to enabling people to work flexibly. I know this sounds scary, but we have personally experienced the benefits of working on-demand when faced with times of limited resources like now. Crisis calls for change.
Moving a part of your workforce over to on-demand working may at first seem completely impossible, but the gig economy has already proven the concept, and many people have been pushed to working on-demand all over the world [ much like remote working ] and similarly the current crisis is forcing us into brand new territory.
Territory where we help people become suppliers, rather than retrenched and disenfranchised employees.
Most successful consultants and service providers acquired their previous employer as their first client. It kind of makes sense, leveraging the knowledge of the business, systems and processes to innovate and support from the outside in, often easier without the political structures employment creates. Can providing the option for people to choose to work flexibly and become a supplier to the business rather than a retrenched employee be a real option?
- Because it is better to have some income rather than nothing [ think of your employees and their situations right now too and help them learn to earn ]
- Because you can retain top talent that knows your business, until your business recovers.
- Because having a shared workforce may actually work for you, and you will see the positive effects on productivity, as well as lower overheads – which can make a significant impact to your bottom line in the long run.
- Flexy workers often learn great skills outside of your organisation and can bring their knowledge and learning into helping your organisation
- You and other businesses and people alike, can #keep working at lower input costs
So let’s help South Africa, and the world by NOT just firing and salary cutting, but empowering people to deliver services in their personal or new business capacity, help them land their first client and successfully move over to #flexyworking #learningtoearn #gigeconomy
Get in touch with myself or any of my team members as we help you in this flexyworking transition. Flexyforce.com is offering a 3 month Free Trial and Free support in implementing and on-boarding the software that takes care of all the administration associated with on-boarding, contracting and paying a flexible and on-demand supplier workforce. #forfree#freetrial